
Telecommunication can be simple

IPBrick OS

IPBRICK OS is a Communications platform for Companies, based on Linux Debian, which supports the following solutions:

– Unified Communications over IP

– Document and Process Management

– Email and Collaborative Tools

– Enterprise Social Network

It’s not necessary to be an expert on any of these areas to configure a state-of-the-art server solution.

IPBRICK OS also provides a high level of integration between pre-configured open source software packages and it never loses any important configurations that can cause the server to malfunction. The integration isn’t limited just to IPBRICK OS services, it also applies to third party software that is totally compatible with IPBRICK OS. For example, the Address Book contained in the server database is used by all IPBRICK services and 3rd party software.

It’s a high performance solution that allows an extremely fast installation and configuration processes, including an enterprise level disaster recovery capability. This allows IPBRICK to provide a solution with an incredibly low “Total Cost of Ownership”.